
SDOH Groups

    These user groups are telephonic meeting groups, chaired by RISE board members and made up of industry leaders and staff from health plans, health care providers and community-based organizations. 

    User groups meet virtually to discuss pressing topics and learn from others in the industry. Three user group streams will meet monthly as well as a quarterly cross-sector meeting to connect participants across the Social Determinants of Health ecosystem.  

The four SDoH user groups are as follows:

Health Plans User Groups

      Join a group of health plans across the nation to benchmark best practices and exchange ideas with peers, facilitated by RISE Steering Committee Chairs. Gain insights into other payers’ SDoH efforts with tactical takeaways on funding, contracting issues, lessons learned in operationalizing SDoH pilots (including data sharing, metrics and outcomes) as well as best practices in convening stakeholders both internally and externally to ultimately scale SDoH programs. Actively participate, share your ideas, and identify approaches that might make a difference for your organization. 

Health Care Providers User Group

      Join a group of health care providers, including health systems, hospitals ACO's and physician practices to discuss SDoH best practices with industry peers. Gain insights into how other healthcare providers are partnering across the ecosystem to provide best-in-class care to the most vulnerable populations. Key topics will focus on what’s working and what’s not in various SDoH programs (food, housing, transport, etc.), tapping into funding streams and lessons learned in operationalizing SDoH pilots (including data sharing, metrics and outcomes). Actively participate, share your ideas, and identify approaches that might make a difference for your organization.

CBO and Non-Profit User Group

      Join a group of community-based/non-profit organizations to discuss opportunities and how to overcome roadblocks in executing SDoH programs and partnering with other healthcare stakeholders, facilitated by RISE Steering Committee Chairs. Hear how other CBO’s successfully operationalize SDoH programs and gain insights into funding streams, contractual issues, and learn how to “speak the same language”. Actively participate, share your ideas, and identify approaches that might make a difference for your organization. 

SDoH Across the Health Care Ecosystem User Group

      Drive this industry forward by connecting with cross-sectional stakeholders (payers, providers, CBO's, government and funders) to discuss actionable, tactical and scalable solutions to SDoH challenges and drive social good. Discuss and receive feedback, guidance, and experiential insights into best practices on convening, contracting, funding and more! Get in the mix, share your ideas, and learn with the best.  
